Daily Archives: December 17, 2012

Freebie fun



Not long ago I saw a blog post by a friend of mine about this site she joined.  There was this picture of all this cool free stuff she got just for doing reviews on the products.  You could say my interest was peaked!

I joined and slowly learned my way around the site.  This site is the perfect place for me!  I love to write reviews!  Around my house people don’t always want my opinion but of course they get it anyway.  On this site they do want your opinion, good or bad, on products, websites, and services.  As you spend time on the site leaving reviews, answering questions and taking short surveys you earn badges.  The more you do the more you can do and it is addicting.

I even made a video review for a candle I liked and posted it on youtube.  Sometimes it is easier to show someone how great something is.  I never really used youtube before except to check out video’s other people posted.  It was fun to post my own.  I just used my iphone to make it.

Well, I am very excited now because I get my very own “Voxbox”!  As soon as it gets here I’ll be sure to share all the details.

If this sounds like something you would like and are interested in checking out Influenster, let me know and I can send you an invite.

I’ve only been a member for a little over a week and I already have goodies on the way.  I have also found new things I want to try out and I have all the reviews from other members to help me make a decision on weather to buy or not.  I have gotten emails from companies with coupons too.  I love coupons!  If you like them on facebook they will alert you to other fun deals and promotions various companies are doing.

The last of Life, for which the first was made


WordPress Daily Prompt: If there were a real Fountain of Youth, would you drink the water?

Only if there was enough for my Chris too.

I love my husband Chris with all of my heart and want to live just as long as he does and no longer.  My soul will die when his does, whether my body does or not.

When I look in the mirror these days I frown at the blemishes and gray hair.  I have gained a lot of weight and I don’t even feel like myself anymore.  It is hard to exercise with chronic pain but I try.  I wish I could look and feel like I once did BUT my husband is also gray, heavier and…. well he is just as lovable as ever.  He has mellowed with age actually.  He reminds me so much of his dad.  Actually, the more I think about it…..

No.  I am happy with the way things are.  My husband doesn’t seem to mind that I have aged and I love him more every single day.

I am looking forward to living out the rest of my days with my husband.  My kids are mostly grown and at some point I will (hopefully) have some grandchildren to love and spoil.  And when I die, I am looking forward to seeing my mom and all of my other friends and relatives again.  Heaven’s garden is being looked after by my angel mother.

Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made:
Our times are in His hand
Who saith “A whole I planned,
Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid!”
                                               — Robert Browning (from the poem Rabbi Ben Ezra)
This was taken many moons ago on our anniversary.  Now we have been married for 21 years.

This was taken many moons ago on our anniversary. Now we have been married for 21 years.
