Tag Archives: writing prompt

Me Time


Daily WordPress Prompt: What’s your ideal Saturday morning? Are you doing those things this morning? Why not?

In the winter time I love to sleep in and snuggle in my blankets.  After I wake up I enjoy reading and just laying in the quiet room.  Sometimes I play games on my cell phone or text my sister.  After a while I like to sit in my chair with a cozy throw and work on a project – sometimes it is crochet, sometimes knitting, sometimes tatting, sometimes painting or a sketch.  I love that I can see the snow covered trees outside from where I sit.  Since it is Christmas time now I’ve been listening to Christmas music but at other times I enjoy listening to classical piano or guitar.  I listen to a lot of different types of music also though.

In the summer I like to go outside in the mornings and read on my swinging bed and listen to the birds.  I took the top covering off so I can soak up the sun.

Today I was lazier than usual and spent more time sleeping and less time doing anything else.  I haven’t read anything yet but I plan to go to bed early and read until I’m tired.  My husband went to play poker so I have the room to myself.  He often watches movies and disturbs my peace.  I did finish a crochet dishcloth though.  I wanted to do something different so I added a square of a different color in the center.  I don’t like to weave in ends that much so I “carried” the thread I wasn’t using by crocheting over it until I needed it again.  When I wanted to pick up the wine color to use on the row above I just slipped my hook through a couple loops of the stitch and pulled the loop up and then did a slip stitch.  Then I just worked the stitches I needed in that color and crocheted over the other color (the variegated) so I could just switch when ready.  I think it looks great!  The pattern for this dishcloth is on Ravelry and if you are interested you can read my notes to see how I made this one.


Stream of Consciousness Sunday



Today’s Writing Prompt: What’s your take on fate? Does everything happen for a reason? Are we in control of our own destiny?

I don’t believe in fate.  I believe we make our choices and decide how our lives turn out.  We can make wrong decisions or right decisions.  When things go bad we can decide to wallow in self pity or pick ourselves up and try again or do something else.  I believe in God and that he has a plan for each of us but we don’t always listen to God.  So even God doesn’t decide how our lives turn out.  He just KNOWS.  We are all responsible for our own choices and actions.

When I was a kid my mom would always say “The Devil made you do it” when I did something bad and if I got a good grade on a test she would say the Lord helped me.  That was really frustrating for me because I never got credit for any of the hard work I put into studying.  That may sound silly but as I kid it was really frustrating.  The truth is, we do our own good and bad actions and the results our ours as well.  We can pray for guidance but we can also decided not to take it.

This was my 5 minute Stream of Consciousness Sunday post. It’s five minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Go here to see how it works and link up your post.